‚; output += ‚
‚; output += ‚
‚; output += ‚
‚; output += ‚
‚; output += ‚
‚; output += ‚
Axis Media Control
‚; output += ‚The AXIS Media Control, which enables you ‚; output += ‚to view live image streams in Microsoft Internet‘; output += ‚ Explorer, could not be registered on your computer.‘; output += ‚
‚; } else { // If not IE for Windows use the browser itself to display theDate = new Date(); output = ‚‚; } document.write(output); document.Player.ToolbarConfiguration = „play,+snapshot,+fullscreen“ // Remove the ‚//‘ below to use the code for Motion Detection. // document.Player.UIMode = „MDConfig“; // document.Player.MotionConfigURL = „/axis-cgi/operator/param.cgi?ImageSource=0“ // document.Player.MotionDataURL = „/axis-cgi/motion/motiondata.cgi“;
Die Webcam ist nicht immer an, aber wenn dann hier ๐